Coronavirus in Minecraft PE 😷 - Addon

Coronavirus Addon

This add-on adds the corona virus to Minecraft. It’s very dangerous, so be careful. Keep in mind that doesn’t want to underestimate or take this topic lightly, the addon is made for irony and satire.
Download link : Creator : CianoKakuna
This addon introduces the coronavirus into minecraft, which infects and kills villagers, iron golems, snow golems and the player.
In addition to the spawn egg, the coronavirus is generated from the bat corpse, obtainable either by killing a normal bat or through the spawn egg.
Place the bat corpse in a village and the coronavirus will spread very quickly
Despite everything, however, you can still defend yourself in some way, through a specific kit, consisting of disinfectant spray and face mask
To obtain it, write in the chat the command /function kit
In addition to equipping the face mask, you also need to add a sort of “filter”

The “Loader” in fact, if it is “eaten” [imagine putting it in the face mask] it will give you regeneration and absorption effect
